Alright, so before we get into this, know I spent the last four days working/getting my sexy Black Wii installed with all my games files. Had to get an AR SSBB file to replace my 100% file, but ah well. Also finished those crappy hack-n-slash games. (AKA I got 100% on nothing but Dark Cloud) Still, looking good because the games coming up are good, so thats always a positive.
Pokemon I: Grass Trio (1, 2, 3)
So what's going to happen is I will review every evolution branch in Pokemon, and discuss their uses in game, aesthetics, and etc. I probably will skip metagame, as that's Smogon's deal.
1: Bulbasaur(1)
In Game:
Well, this is the first project Pokemon, and is the first Pokemon ever put on the Pokedex! In Game, he always felt like the weakest starter to me, yet in the first games he was quite a beast. He bested Brock, Misty, and Lt. Surge right from the go. The downfall is that after that he loses his use fullness, and Charizard/Blastoise's stats tended to be better in the end. In the later games, he was obtained by other various methods, and rarely used. I can't recall myself going out of my way for a Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur is pretty cute. His name implies a sort of dinosaur, and the way he looks makes it out to be a herbivore/plant. I always felt he was the 2nd best looking starter Pokemon, and is the best starting Grass Pokemon until Smugleaf came on by.
Not a whole lot to say on Bulbasaur. Get him evolved, and he is a pretty straightforward Pokemon.
2: Ivysaur(2)
In Game:
As I said with Bulbasaur, you will not go out of your way to obtain one of these in game in any generation past the first. In first generation however, Ivysaur can be the best 2nd evolution of the starters, mainly because he evolves at the early level of 16. That being said, it also feels like he caps out faster than the others in that game. Still, a pro choice for almost half the game.
Ivysaur is my favorite 2nd evolution of the three starters, and my favorite 2nd evolution grass starter of all time. I love how his flower almost blooms, and how he looks more dinosaur than the others. His coloring is perfect, and all around, just an amazing looking Pokemon to me.
Not much else to say, won't be used much post Gen I, but yeah. Kinda lacking on the Etc info until I get into Final Evolutions or things like Scyther.
3: Venasaur(3)
In Game:
Not too useful in anything past Generation one, and even in Generation one his usefulness dwindles down fast.Usually by the time he evolves (lv32), you're at a grass gym, then poison, then psychic, fire, etc. You have no favor in any of these gyms, so he almost becomes a bad addition to the team. The one positive point is his use in UU metagame (and in Black/White, who knows what will happen). From what I know he can be quite defensive and stalling in UU.
He got fat and bland, in my opinion. It's not a bad Pokemon, but he went from a badass Ivysaur to a fatsack.
Nothing much to say, but to point out his Metagame usage. That sets him apart from the next Gen grass starter, Meganium(sp).
Overall, the evolution tree I is:
Soon, probably Friday night, I'll have a review posted up, and Saturday/Sunday night The Fire Trio I. So stay reading!
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