Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pokemon: Episode II

Sorry for the break, but onward with the latest installment of the Pokemon Episodes!

Pokemon Episode II: Fire Trio (4, 5, 6)

4: Charmander(4)

In Game:

In the early installments (the generation he was a starter), Charmander had a rough time being useful in the beginning, but towards the end opted to be quite useful. Brock & Misty frankly would destroy him, and didn't fare too well against Lt. Surge. The gyms after that, however, we're a cake walk for him.(As he evolved!) Anything past Gen I you had to go out of your way to get him, and I can't imagine why.


One of the cutest starters to date. You can blatantly see where they got Agumon from, too.


Not much else to say, get him evolved and it's pretty straightforward.


5: Charmeleon(5)

In Game:

Again, anything past Gen I there was no need to get him. The path in Gen I is the same as Charmander, too.


I actually never cared for Charmeleon that much. His colors and design do not fit the Charmander>Charizard part of the evolution line.Still, looking at some Gen IV Pokemons, he definitely holds up.


Again, not much left I can add except he is my least favorite of the this trio.


In Game:

In Gen I, he can arguably be the best starter to go with towards the end. Anything past Gen I you'd need to go out of your way to get, which I totally recommend. Now, this is where we can get into Metagame. Due to Stealth Rock he fell down to NU during Gen IV (being decent pre-that), and now in Gen V it seems he may be of use yet again. Stealth Rock appears to be dying out, and dreamworld offers him a new ability.


Best looking fire starter Pokemon, hands down. From the wings,  to the facial features, the the flame on his tail, Charizard is a pinnacle of badass in Pokemon.


Not much else to say, except in Metagame I hope to see his usefulness rise. I also would like to add Charizard and Jaroda are tied as my favorite starter of all time.


Overall: 90/100

Until next time (review)~

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