Sunday, October 24, 2010

Two Games; One Crap: Part Two(Coming next day) + Project Pokemon: Briefing

So... I never covered Majora's Mask, making my title incorrect. The reason was, Majora's Mask deserves a very thorough review, and with Drakengard I couldn't be asked to do a good one. The first couple of reviews, the imported ones, suck and will suck because they're merely imported data I choose not to do over.

Drakengard... I just couldn't go more in depth. It was bad. Yet I feel bad, because why blog if I'm not going to give it my A game. Though, like anything, earlier work always sucks. Look at Angry Video Game Nerd, his first videos suck, but now he rocks?

So Pokemon Platinum, Ocarina of Time, Crash Bandicoot: Warped!, and Drakengard will be Crap I, II, III, IV. But no more crap, the rest shall be gold eggs (or turds if they fail)

Also, a brief on Project Pokemon. I will analyze each evolution set of Pokemon and rank how I see them fit. (Are they good, bad, ugly, etc) I will go extremely depth, so don't expect something mediocre.

Bad news, this is an intro. Monday (Today now..) I shall post the review of Majora's Mask. A very nice one, not Crap V.

Then, Tuesday the Pokemon will air.

Then, Wednesday, another review.

Friday shall mark another Pokemon set, and that's it for this week!

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