Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's coming up

My Game Ratio (Completion, that is), is 15 Games, 6 games with Exceptions of not being 100%. Guess what, 5 are JRPGs. Haha.

Drakengard... I just couldn't get a 100% on it though. Too. Damn. Boring.

Ah well, anyways in a few days, a double review is coming!

Majora's Mask annnnddddd


Then, soon after a big review on two games:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M!

I apologize for the first 3 reviews looking crappy, but I didn't want to re-do all of them, and those were saved.

-Crash Bandicoot
-Poke Platinum
-Ocarina of Time

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