Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two Games; One Crap

Alright, so, my completion rate is 60'%. Yeah, how crappy. 6/15 Games are not a 100%. Today we'll see an unappreciated game, and a game that was so dull I couldn't achieve perfection.

So, lets start with the dull one.

Wait....Wait...That doesn't look dull.

A Red Dragon. Flames...Chaos? This looks pretty cool!

Well that's what I said when it was only 8 dollars, but honestly, it's a pretty bad games. I will say right here and now the only pro to this game is the Aerial missions, in which you fly your dragon and do Barrel Rolls Wyvern Style. Aside from those short lived missions, and watching your dragon growing as the story progresses, that's it.

Actually wait no, there is one more factor! The story. The story of giving an element of your body (Caim's voice) to make a pact with something, the situations of violence, adultery, corruption, and poverty, and the themes laced within this dark tale. Overall the finality of the story is quite thin and barely connects to Drakengard 2/Nier in my opinion, as the story feels like it could easily fall apart. The redeeming factor, however, is how messed up the tale truly is. A Serial killer for a main character, with a stereotype dragon an a party consisting of a grief-drought man, a young child, and a mad woman is pretty interesting. Still, every turd has gold chunks in it if you look hard enough, eh? And I know you might think "What's the story about?" in this review, but honestly I don't know, it's so...weird. Just go read it on Wiki or something.The Watchers!

Now for the bad, and believe me, there is a lot. 

I can't include many Screenshots, as this game isn't popular (unlike Majora, it has many pictures), but the graphics are stale, and the backgrounds are boring. The enemy designs are pathetic, and the only redeeming graphical positive is the Cinematics/Voice Actors.

Gameplay wise, you only need Square/Triangle on the right side of the PS2 controller to play effectively, making the game incredibly boring outside of Aerial missions.There are Allies you can call, but for the most part you won't care. Leveling weapons is boring an repetitive, like the whole game. And grinding to lv99 is something I'd only do if I had no brain. Yes, I didn't get a 100% on this. I got everything beat/won/collected, but finished @lv75 with only 20/65 weapons leveled to lv4 max. Why? Because it's so damn boring! You fight 1.2k+ solders to level one weapon, do the math...it's ridiculous. All the 5 games I have exceptions on are JRPGS because I've missed stuff, but this game is truly too dull to fully beat.

The Sound. Oh boy the sound. Outside the intro, I'd say it's terrible.

Duhderduhderduhder. Imagine that for 32 hours of playtime and you're good.

Controls...Again, so easy, so stale. That's the problem with this game. It's literally so boring you can't help but want to quit. 

All in all, they had good intentions, but SE/Cavia fell short with this game. It's to repetitive, it's too simple, and it seems it's sequels failed to learn and create a better game as I've read.

Graphics 8/10
Sound 2/10
Contrsol 6/10
Story 9/10 High Point~
Gameplay 3/10

Total 80+20+60+90+30/5...56....F!

This game flat out failed in my book.

Sorry for the lack of pictures on these reviews, I wanted to port the three good ones, and this game lacks any good screens. But your not missing much, trust me.


Pokemon Plat.
Crash Warped

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